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g Christian Literature Site

BellaOnline's Christian Literature Editor

 E D I T O R   P I C K S  

Here are the Editor's Picks articles for the Christian Literature Site! These are the top ten articles that your Christian Literature Editor feels are most important for you to read. Enjoy!

1. Finding My Way Home
Who am I? Reconnecting after a long hiatus.

2. What is in store for Christian Literature?
A look at upcoming books

3. Satan's Dirty Little Secret
Steve Foss delivers a prophetic message in which he details how Satan always uses the same 2 demons and how you can stand strong against their influence.

4. Could You Not Tarry One Hour?
If you are looking for a book that will REALLY teach you how to pray, look no further! Using The Lord's Prayer, this timeless classic by Dr. Larry Lea will teach you, step-by-step, how to pray fervent, effective prayers.

5. God's Guest List
Think of the top people in your field. You don't know them, but you aspire to meet and be as successful or, in some way, similar to them. What if the crossing guard down the street could positively influence your life? Would you be receptive or too blind to see God's diamond in the rough?

6. Discerning What You're Reading
You've found a book that promises to be an interesting read. The authors quote several experts. How do you know if these so-called experts can be trusted? What should you look for? Is there any way to know if the book veers from a traditional, Christian outlook and biblical Chiristianity?

7. Awaiting The Child
A lovely book that will assist with making this year's Advent season more meaningful.

8. New Age Lies Exposed
Doesn't the promise of being able to harness the power of the universe sound good? What about being able to mediate to a higher state? We've heard these claims and others, but are the in agreement with the scriptures?

9. Summmer Sun and Harry Potter?
What's a Christian to do with Harry Potter? Ah, the debate begins again amidst the upcoming release of the latest movie in the installment.

10. Unsqueezed
Body image affects all women at one time or another. Who hasn't worried about jiggling body parts or how we look in a certain outfit? Why does it matter? How should we view ourselves? What did God say?

Be sure to visit the Christian Literature Archives for all the articles!


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The Inn At Ocean's Edge

What is in store for Christian Literature?

Finding My Way Home

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